lavender oil for anxiety and depression

Lavender Oil for Anxiety and Depression

There are many different types of anxiety, and it’s a condition that can be treated in several ways. One way is through the use of lavender for anxiety. Lavender is an all-natural herb with soothing qualities that have been proven to help reduce stress and increase relaxation in adults.

It can also ease symptoms in children who suffer from nightmares or separation anxiety when away from their parents. If you’re looking to try something new for your anxiety, then read on below!

Adding calming lavender essential oil to your daily routine can help reduce anxiety attacks by up to 82%. But not all essential oils are created equal, and you have to know how to use them correctly to get the most out of their benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use lavender oil for anxiety relief!

There are many different methods you can use to enjoy this calming herb like using lavender essential oil, drinking lavender tea or eating lavender infused food. You can even make an aromatherapy pillow that will release soothing smells into the air when heated.

What is lavender oil?

Lavender essential oil is extracted from lavender plants, which are part of the mint family. Distilled lavender oil is typically used in aromatherapy and can be found online or at health food stores.

According to aromatherapy guide Donna Rayburn, using lavender oil topically can help relieve stress-related anxiety, insomnia and depression because its scent promotes feelings of calmness.

It’s important not to ingest lavender essential oil because it can be toxic in large amounts. Some people use lavender essential oil as a sleep aid by placing a few drops on their pillowcase before bedtime. Lavender plants also have medicinal purposes.

How does lavender affect your mood?

Lavender oil has many medicinal uses, such as treating insomnia and headaches. While not widely used for anxiety, lavender essential oil is known to improve mood and promote feelings of relaxation and calmness. Lavender essential oil can be applied topically or taken internally in a capsule, but should never be consumed directly.

It’s also important to note that lavender may interact with some prescription medications and should not be used by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding without consulting your doctor first. Here are some ways you can use lavender for anxiety

How can you use lavender for anxiety?

Lavender is a calming herb with antioxidant and antiseptic properties. Studies have shown that lavender has natural anxiolytic properties, which means it can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Lavender can be consumed as a tea or essential oil. However, you should always check with your doctor before taking any herbs or supplements.

Here’s how you can use lavender for anxiety:

  • Make a Stress-Relieving Tea: Boil one teaspoon of dried lavender flowers in three cups of water for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and steep an additional 10 minutes. Add honey if desired.
  • Apply Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil works well when massaged onto areas such as temples, wrists, chest area or back of neck; try adding 10 drops of oil to 2 tablespoons of unscented body lotion for extra relaxation benefits.
  • One of the best ways to use it is by diffusing the oil in your home, which will fill it with calming scents and help prevent panic attacks from happening.

What’s the evidence behind lavender?

There are only a few scientific studies on lavender. Though lavender is commonly used as an anxiety treatment, its effectiveness hasn’t been proven in controlled trials. There are also no products made from lavender approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for anxiety or any other health condition.

What should I look out for when buying Lavender oil?

Lavender comes from France, but nowadays you can find varieties all over the world. It’s important to choose one that is high-quality so that you know you’re getting what you paid for and nothing else.

You should also make sure to look at how pure they are; most companies will list their purity on their label or website. Lavender essential oils can be taken internally (in moderation) and applied topically too!

Final thoughts

Lavender is the perfect herb to help with anxiety. Not only does it smell great, but it can also be used in a variety of ways to calm your mind and body down.

Keep in mind that supplements haven’t been tested to see how well they work or if they’re safe. Always talk with your doctor before starting a new supplement or making changes to your diet that could have an effect on your existing medical conditions or medication dosages.

If you do use lavender oil, it’s best to consult with a qualified health professional first.

Woman relaxing to reduce anxiety and stress in her daily life

7 Herbs to Help Reduce Anxiety

In order to find the best herbs to help reduce anxiety will require some time and effort in order to narrow the choice to the best one for YOU.

The answer depends on what causes your anxiety, and what you prefer to deal with the root cause of your anxiety.

Anxiety is not uncommon, affecting millions of people worldwide. The good news is that many herbs have been used successfully as a treatment for anxiety and the most popular ones are often used today.

There are numerous herbs that have been used to treat anxiety conditions for centuries. Some of these herbs can be used as natural remedies for anxiety and depression, and they are also effective in treating panic and phobia as well.
Some of these herbs include:

Lavender for anxiety

Lavender has been used in many different countries as a remedy for headaches. The scent of lavender has a calming effect on many people, although it is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Lavender can be used to reduce anxiety and restlessness.

The therapeutic properties of Lavender have been researched and are being investigated by scientists. Some research suggests that lavender may be able to slow down or prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Kava for anxiety

Kava has long been used by Indians to treat anxiety disorders. It is also used as a treatment for epilepsy and panic disorders. One ancient manuscript referring to the medical qualities of Kava mentions the possibility of its use as a treatment for anxiety and depression.

It has been said to alleviate anxiety by virtue of a herb called Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It has also been used for urinary problems, stomach aches, dyspepsia, constipation, etc.

Chamomile for anxiety

Chamomile is perhaps one of the world’s best herbs for anxiety. It can be used in its essential extract or tea form. Chamomile is well-known for its calming effects and is used in a number of ways, such as in calming the nervous system.

It has been used as a treatment for depression and is a common ingredient in a number of sleep remedies. The tea can be used for insomnia as well.

Valerian for anxiety

Valerian is a herb that is quite popular with people suffering from anxiety. It can be used to treat a variety of problems, including sleep disorders and chronic fatigue. It is also used to relieve pain, such as those caused by menstrual cramps, and is used to treat anxiety disorders.

In addition, Valerian can be used to treat a wide range of other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pain, as well as syndromes such as restless leg syndrome. It is also used as a natural alternative to recreational drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc., for treating depression.

Ginseng in anxiety

In China, Chinese people have been using the herb Ginkgo to treat anxiety and stress for many centuries. The ginseng root is believed to have the ability to prevent panic attacks and even to induce them.

As a natural remedy, it can be used as a mood enhancer and in combination with other herbs. It is also known to increase vitality and improve sexual drive, as well as being used as an energy booster. The ginseng root is the most potent herbal remedy for panic and anxiety attacks.


Passionflower, considered by many to be a “cure” for anxiety and depression, is one such herb that has a lot of potential. The Passionflower herb contains a chemical called Dioscorein that has a very strong stimulating effect on the nervous system.

This can result in a feeling of mental calmness and relaxation, as well as an increase in energy. One of the biggest benefits of Dioscorein, however, is that it can actually reverse the negative effects of ageing, making it a very valuable addition to a healthy diet and supplement regimen.


Another anxiety remedy that has recently shown some promise is the introduction of Spirulina to the diet. Spirulina is a tiny plant that grows only in nature in ponds and lakes. It grows mainly in the areas where the water contains high amounts of protein.

Because of this, spirulina can be considered a “supplement” for people trying to boost their mental health and reduce their anxiety levels. This supplement comes in two different forms: one that is taken orally, and one that is applied topically to the skin.

Final thoughts

There are other herbs that can be used as a remedy for your anxiety. However, they vary in effectiveness and potential for causing side effects and reactions.

While they all have different ways of dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, they all work in a similar manner. By increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain, they help to calm those who suffer from depression or severe anxiety symptoms. While these herbs don’t work immediately, over time, they do slowly but surely alleviate those symptoms.

Therefore, you should only try these if you are sure of what is the best herb for anxiety that suits your symptoms and your needs. Be aware of possible side effects, which include stomach cramps, dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, and even sleep problems.

Remember to always sample the herbs in their smallest dose and if in doubt seek advice from a doctor or nutritionist.