Valeriana officinalis - Valerian root contains essential oils with sedative and relaxing effects

Does valerian root treat anxiety and insomnia?

Valerian is a plant that has modest sedative qualities and is used to help people sleep and cure anxiety. Is it, however, effective is valerian root? This is a question we explore in this article.

What is Valerian Root?

Valerian dietary supplements are commonly sold as sleeping aids in the United States (US). People in Europe are more likely to take them for anxiety and restlessness.

Although there are over 250 varieties of valerian, Valeriana officinalis is the most often utilised for medical purposes.

While medicinal valerian has been used since ancient Greece and Rome, there is little clinical proof that it is beneficial in treating insomnia and anxiety.

Nonetheless, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers valerian to be safe and gentler than synthetic medications like benzodiazepines and barbiturates. For these reasons, valerian may be worth a shot if you’re suffering from anxiety or insomnia.

Benefits of Valerian

Some possible benefits of valerian that have been reported by users include:

  • falling asleep faster
  • better sleep quality
  • relief from restlessness and other anxiety disorder symptoms
  • no “hangover effect” in the morning

However, stronger evidence is needed to be confident that valerian, and not some other factor, is responsible for these effects.

It is also necessary to determine whether a person’s insomnia and anxiety improvements are statistically significant.

Function of this herb

Many researchers believe that it is not just one chemical that is responsible for valerian’s effects, but a combination of the plant’s components.

According to the National Institutes of HealthTrusted Source, several of valerian’s chemical compounds have individually demonstrated sedative properties in animal studies.

It is also uncertain how valerian affects the brain. The most common theory is that valerian extract stimulates nerve cells to release a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA.

GABA slows down nerve cell activity instead of exciting it.

Valerian extract may block an enzyme that destroys GABA, which means that more GABA is available for a longer amount of time.

All of these factors together might produce the calming effect that many who try valerian experience. Drugs such as Xanax and Valium also increase the amount of GABA in the body, and their effects are much greater than valerian.


Valerian nutritional supplements are often prepared from the plant’s roots, but stems can also be used. Valerian extracts, dried roots, and other plant components can be ingested in a variety of ways, including:

  • teas
  • tinctures
  • capsules
  • tablets

The recommended dose of valerian varies, but it usually ranges from 400 to 900 milligrammes (mg) at bedtime.

The amount of valerenic acid in the supplement may also influence the dosage. Valerenic acid is one of the most potent sedative components in valerian.

Herbalists recommend utilising valerian for only two to three weeks before taking a break for the same amount of time.

Herbalists advise taking this break because some people who have taken valerian for a long time have had negative side effects such as headaches, depression, or withdrawal when they stop using it.

In conclusion

Despite its gentleness, valerian is not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women because no research have been conducted on the potential hazards of valerian to a foetus or an infant.

Valerian should not be administered to children under the age of three because its effects on early development have not been studied.

Finally, if you are taking any of the following medications, you should talk to your doctor before taking valerian.

  • benzodiazepines (Xanax, Valium, and Ativan)
  • Depressants of the central nervous system, such as phenobarbital or morphine
  • food supplements that assist sleep, such as kava or melatonin

These medicines and supplements’ sedative and depressive qualities may interact with valerian, resulting in grogginess or more severe side effects.

Even if no other medications are being taken, it is always a good idea to consult a physician before taking any supplements, including valerian.

The doctor will advise you on whether valerian is a good choice, as well as which kinds and dosages are the safest and most effective.

Dried Valerian roots in wooden spoon on sackcloth background

Valerian Root, Insomnia and Anxiety – How It Helps

Realizing how to overcome anxiety and insomnia through the natural benefits of valerian root can seem like an overwhelming task, especially if you suffer from these conditions regularly.

Luckily, valerian root isn’t just safe to use when treating these issues, but it’s also incredibly effective at reducing your symptoms without the side effects commonly associated with prescription drugs.

Keep reading to learn about all the health benefits of valerian root and how it can help you recover from anxiety and insomnia quickly and safely.

What is Valerian Root?

Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) is a herb that’s used in Europe as a mild sedative. The most important ingredient in valerian root is called actinidine; actinidine promotes sleep by relieving anxiety, reducing tension and improving sleep quality.

Valerian root also has sedative properties; it promotes sleep through the relaxation of muscles. Other ingredients in valerian root include essential oils including azulene, which gives valerian its characteristic odour.

How Does It Help Anxiety and Insomnia?

Valerian root is a natural supplement that is known to help with insomnia and anxiety. Its medicinal properties have been used for over 2000 years.

In fact, it’s been recommended by numerous reputable sources including The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) and WebMD.

Valerian root has been touted as effective in helping people suffering from insomnia due to stress. Because of its relaxing qualities, it’s also used to treat nervousness or tension before going to bed or while trying to fall asleep at night.

This herb works because it contains a key ingredient called valerenic acid which helps balance our GABA levels.

Is There Any Scientific Proof That Valerian Works?

Yes. A number of studies have been conducted on valerian root as a treatment for anxiety and insomnia.

In one study done at Tufts University in 2007, 100 people who suffered from insomnia took either a placebo or a low dose of valerian extract before bedtime.

Over a five-week period, those who used valerian scored significantly higher on sleep quality tests than those who didn’t use it. In addition to helping people fall asleep faster, they also slept more soundly throughout the night.

How long does valerian take to work?

People often wonder how long it takes for valerian to start working. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer—valerian works differently in different people.

Some people feel its effects immediately; others need up to four weeks of regular use to notice any difference at all. The only way to know if valerian will work for you is to try it and see.

Most people find that it has a mild sedative effect and is helpful for inducing sleep—but it’s not meant as a magic pill with immediate relief.

If your goal is relief from anxiety or stress-related insomnia, research indicates that you may want to give valerian a try alongside traditional anti-anxiety medications or sleeping pills such as Ambien or Lunesta.

But Wait, What About Those Side Effects?

Valerian is generally well-tolerated by most people. Some research studies have even reported that it can be used as a long-term treatment for insomnia. However, because it acts on a number of neurotransmitters in our bodies, there is a small risk of side effects. These can include dizziness, dry mouth and headaches.

If you’re thinking about trying valerian to help treat your anxiety or insomnia symptoms, just know that those risks are very minimal but should still be considered.

In conclusion

Valerian root is one of those long-standing herbal supplements that’s been around for hundreds of years. There are many factors why valerian root helps with insomnia and anxiety including its sedative properties that help to calm your nerves while also reducing stress and tension in your body.

lavender essential oil dripping from pipette over the bottle

Health Benefits Of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil has been used for centuries as a healing agent and an antibacterial. Its soothing smell and calming effects make it perfect to use before bedtime to help with insomnia, anxiety, and stress.

Lavender is also known for its ability to heal wounds faster than other oils or products on the market. It’s important not only to always have lavender around but also know about all of its amazing benefits.

Read more below to learn how you can incorporate this into your life in order to reap these great benefits

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils because it smells so good, promotes relaxation, helps with sleep issues, eases headaches from tension or migraines, provides relief from.

What exactly is lavender oil?

Lavender oil, commonly known as Lavandula angustifolia in technical terms, is an essential oil extracted from the lavender flower. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula, and Russia, yet it is currently grown all over the world.

The oil is extracted by a steam distillation method, which involves steaming the petals, capturing the steam, and separating the oil from the water. Lavender oil is generally found with the other essential oils in health food stores or even drugstores.

Health benefits of Lavender Oil

Aromatherapy and essential oils have earned a reputation for being a go-to in holistic health. Essential oils are plant-based liquid extracts that can aid with everything from stress to sleep, hormone health to home cleaning, and more.

However, each essential oil is distinct and has its own set of benefits. Here’s what you need to know about how lavender oil, one of the most popular essential oils, can help you relax:

1. It allows you to get some real shut-eye.

Sleep is the basis of a healthy living, no matter how you look at it. Lavender oil may be your saviour if you find yourself tossing and turning at night: Several whiffs of lavender oil before bedtime boosted the percentage of deep sleep duration in healthy men and women, according to one study.

When compared to a lavender-oil-free control group, inhaling lavender oil twice a week for 20 minutes at a time relaxed the nervous system and improved sleep quality ratings for women with insomnia, according to a study.

2. It aids in stress management.

Lavender oil’s calming properties don’t end there. Researchers discovered that lavender oil could compete with a prescription drug for general anxiety in one study. One group of volunteers took the anxiety medicine Lorazepam for six weeks, while the other got an oral dose of lavender oil.

Both groups reported a nearly comparable drop in anxiety at the end of the study period—45 percent and 46 percent, respectively. Even in more extreme situations, the oil was effective: a 2017 study discovered that lavender aromatherapy reduced anxiety in preoperative patients.

3. It calms irritated skin and relieves bug bites.

Lavender oil has a relaxing effect on the body, just as it does on the mind. Not-so-fun skin flare-ups like eczema and psoriasis have responded well to lavender oil’s anti-inflammatory characteristics.

Lavender oil’s potential to relax inflamed skin when applied topically was mentioned in a study of the most popular essential oils and their uses in dermatology. Furthermore, the oil’s de-stressing properties are beneficial for psoriasis flare-ups, which are frequently prompted by worry.

It can also be used as a natural remedy for bug bites—when mixed with a little baking soda and applied to the bites, you won’t even know they’re there.

4. It has the ability to fight fungal infections.

What are the similarities between yeast infections, athlete’s foot, and ringworm? They’re all different types of fungal infection, which occurs when pesky fungi grow in or on wet bodily areas.

Lavender oil has antibacterial and antifungal qualities, therefore it might be able to help you get rid of them. In one lab investigation, it was proven to protect against candida (the cause of yeast infections).

It’s worth noting, though, that this was a preliminary in vitro study, which meant infected cells were mixed with lavender oil in a test tube and observed. Because the pure version of lavender oil, or any essential oil for that matter, is extremely strong and can burn, do not apply it topically to your vagina.

These kinds of studies can help researchers learn more about a substance’s qualities and prospective uses, but more research is needed to learn how lavender oil can be utilised to treat fungal infections in the future.

5. It may aid in the prevention of hair loss.

While the research is still in its early stages, one animal study found that applying lavender oil to the backs of mice once a day for four weeks encouraged hair growth on all levels: follicle quantity, depth, and thickness.

Clinical trials in people are needed, so the verdict is yet out, but maybe this is the push you need to add a few drops of lavender to your DIY hair mask.

6. It has the ability to cure wounds.

That is, minor wounds. Over the course of a five-day period, lavender oil cured wounds more quickly than other treatments such as saline and iodine, according to one animal research.

This was attributed to an increase in the amount of EGF, or epidermal growth factor, in the skin, which is required for tissue regeneration.

The catch: Because the study was conducted on animals, more thorough clinical trials are required before lavender oil can be hailed as the next Neosporin.

7. It can assist in the relief of a headache.

Do you have a pounding head? Take a smell of lavender and see what you think. In a study of 47 migraine sufferers, half of the participants were given regular 15-minute lavender-scented sessions while the other half were given a placebo.

The effects were rapid and long-lasting: those in the experimental group had considerably less severe migraine symptoms for the next two hours, according to the researchers.

8. It provides you a healthy radiance.

Lavender oil is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a worthy addition to any clean skin care routine.

Antioxidants are known to battle free radicals, which may cause havoc on your skin by affecting mitochondrial activity and hastening the ageing process.

Before bed, add a drop or two of lavender oil to your favourite lotion or face cream to give your skin an antioxidant boost (and will add a touch of soothing aromatherapy to your night-time routine).

Before proclaiming this floral mixture a miracle oil, it’s vital to emphasise that further thorough clinical testing are needed before it can be used as a prescription. Nonetheless, the research done to put lavender oil to the test has shown some rather surprising health advantages.

How to apply Lavender Oil

There are numerous methods to use lavender oil, just as there are numerous benefits. It’s often applied topically for skin and hair health, though the methods might vary depending on your preferences. It’s best not to use too much oil—due to its high concentration, two or three drops should suffice.

Dilution is crucial when it comes to your skin: The oil can be applied topically to soothe irritated or inflamed skin, but only after being diluted with a “carrier oil” or a neutral, minimally processed oil like coconut, argan, or olive.

Once or twice daily, apply the mixture as you would a lotion or moisturiser. As a peaceful conclusion to the day, massage a couple of drops of lavender oil into your scalp, or add two or three drops to each dollop of shampoo or conditioner you use for hair health.

If you want to reduce anxiety or get a good night’s sleep, putting your oil in a diffuser is the best way to go. There are several ways to profit from the aroma of lavender, one of the most prominent being diffusion.

Essential oil diffusion is dispersing oil particles into the air with a tiny instrument, allowing for simple inhalation.

If you don’t want to use a diffuser, take a few deep breaths of the smell before bed (or whenever you need a moment of peace). You may even use a few drops of lavender to create the perfect peaceful herbal bath to soak away your worries.

How to find high-quality lavender essential oil

When buying an essential oil, there are a few things to keep an eye out for on the bottle. If an oil has both the common and scientific names of the active oil(s) and any carrier oils on the label, has the phrase “therapeutic” on the label, and comes in a dark glass bottle that keeps light out (which might degrade the oil’s efficacy), you know it’s high-quality.

Also, make sure to check the expiration date! Because of the method the lavender plant is extracted, it’s a relatively inexpensive essential oil, thus a cheap price isn’t necessarily a warning flag.

Potential side-effects to be aware of

If you’re ready to embrace the lavender lifestyle, there are a few things to keep in mind. Skin irritation or an allergic reaction are some of the adverse effects, therefore a patch test on your skin before use might save you a lot of pain.

Before using this supplement, like with any new supplement, it’s a good idea to consult with a doctor. While lavender oil is generally safe for most people, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should seek medical advice.

Final thoughts

Lavender essential oil is a powerful and versatile ingredient that can be used in many different ways. It has been shown to have calming, soothing qualities as well as an ability to balance hormones and reduce stress levels.

Lavender essential oil is a powerful all-natural remedy that can help with many different ailments. The blog post has shown you how to use lavender essential oils, but there are many other ways it can be used as well.

Lavender For Anxiety The Best Way To Use This Calming Herb

Lavender for Anxiety: The Best Way to Use This Calming Herb

Many people use lavender for anxiety, but not everyone knows how to use it properly. Lavender is a calming herb that can be used in many ways – from aromatherapy to herbal tea. This blog post will explore the best way to use this soothing herb and why it may be the most effective treatment for anxiety.

Lavender has been used as an herbal remedy since ancient times by Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs and Asians because of its calming properties. The flowers are often dried or made into extracts to make them easier to transport and store while still retaining their therapeutic qualities. One study found that after three months of daily intake of lavenders oil capsules (1-2g), participants showed significant reduction in symptoms on generalized anxiety.

Lavender is a wonderful herb that has been used in cooking and medicine for centuries. It can be ingested, inhaled, or applied topically to help with anxiety. Lavender essential oil is the most common form of this calming herb and it’s perfect for diffusing in small rooms such as bedrooms or offices.

There are many different ways to use lavender like adding it into your bath water, drinking it in tea form, or applying it directly on your skin when you’re having an anxious moment.

Problem: Anxiety is a terrible feeling. It can ruin your day, and sometimes even your life. The calming herb lavender is one of the most popular herbs for anxiety, but there are a lot of misconceptions about how to use it properly.

Agitate: Studies have shown that lavender can help reduce stress and anxiety, but it’s hard to know the right way to use this herb for maximum benefit.

Solution: In this guide I’ll teach you how to use lavender for anxiety in a natural way so you get all of the benefits without any of the side effects. You’ll learn about different types of calming herbs, their benefits and drawbacks, as well as some easy DIY recipes for making your own herbal remedies at home!

What is Lavender oil ideal for

Lavender is renowned for its ability to create a relaxing atmosphere.

In fact, one of the main benefits of lavender is that it can calm without sedating.

More than simply generating a serene state of mind, lavender can reduce anxiety by affecting the body’s fight-or-flight response.

Lavender essential oil has been found to be effective in reducing:

  • anxiety
  • restlessness
  • agitation
  • disturbed sleep
  • nervousness
  • depressive symptoms

Benefits of Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is a fascinating element with many benefits. It’s been used in aromatherapy to help you sleep, boost your moods and relieve anxiety as well as reduce stress levels that are causing physical pain or discomfort such it can be applied topically on skin afflicted by acne; all thanks for this amazing elixir from Europe.

Lavender has been found to help the following conditions:

  • improved mood
  • lower heart rate
  • lower adrenaline levels
  • regulated breathing
  • improved sleep quality

1. Nervous system

Lavender has been shownTrusted Source to affect the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system controls bodily processes associated with anxiety, such as heart rate, breathing rhythm, and hormone secretion.

Lavender can help in regulating these bodily processes by restoring a neutral state. This involves lowering the heart rate, adrenaline levels, and slowing the breath.

2. Mental health

Research suggests that lavender may be of benefit as a complementary treatment for mild to moderate depression.

Lavender oil is a great way to naturally soothe the mind. It has been shown in studies that when inhaled, lavender can help with anxiety and depression symptoms as well.

3. Sleep

Lavender has been used as a natural sleep aid for a long time. Improve your sleep quality and treat insomnia.

Orally administered lavender can help with symptoms of restlessness and disturbed sleep, according to research from 2010. This can help with anxiety and enhance overall health and quality of life.

Another study found that 20 minutes of lavender inhalation using aromatherapy can dramatically enhance sleep quality in middle-aged women with insomnia.

Most effective way to use lavender for anxiety

Oral delivery and aromatherapy are the most effective strategies for reducing anxiety symptoms, according to the bulk of study.

Clinical investigations show that taking oral supplements containing lavender essential oil is the most effective way to relieve anxiety symptoms.

Although clinical studies have shown that 100 and 200 millilitres (mL) of lavender oil in capsules are helpful, clinical studies reveal that the most effective dose of lavender oil is 80 milligrammes (mg) per day. The study underlines the importance of using high-quality lavender oil that isn’t diluted with chemicals or synthetic ingredients.

However, dosages of 20 to 80 mg are still beneficial, and there have been no reports of negative side effects at this level.

According to study, inhalation through olfaction (sense of smell) should last at least 3 minutes for aromatherapy to be effective.

According to a 2001 study, 10 minutes of inhalation had an influence on anxiety-related body functions like blood pressure and heart rate.

If you’re using a diffuser, make sure it’s on for at least 10 minutes to get the most out of it.

The most effective ways to use lavender for anxiety are through oral supplements and aromatherapy.

Other ways to use lavender for anxiety

Lavender essential oil is the most prevalent form of lavender. Lavender essential oil is a versatile oil that may be utilised in a variety of ways.

When looking for a lavender oil, be sure the label says “lavender essential oil,” not just “lavender oil.” Because it says “essential oil” on the label, you know it’s not just lavender infused, but a pure, concentrated oil from the plant.

Check the label for all of the ingredients to ensure it isn’t diluted with synthetic compounds or fillers. Consult your doctor about the quality of the brand you’ve chosen.

1. Use of a Diffuser

Essential oils are dispersed into the air via aromatherapy diffusers. Diffusers can be filled with any essential oil, including lavender or a blend of oils like orange or chamomile.

The oils are ingested by simple breathing once they are diffused into the air, according to study.

According to research, inhaling lavender can considerably reduce anxiety levels.

Aromas in the air not only help to deodorise the room, but they can also promote better sleep and alleviate anxiety symptoms, particularly by helping to relax and calm.

2. Whilst taking a Bath

Essential oils may be a wonderful addition to a bath, calming, soothing, and relaxing you while in a luxurious atmosphere.

To enjoy the benefits of essential lavender, add a few drops to a bath and soak away. You can use a single oil, such as lavender, or a combination of oils, such as lemon or orange.

Additionally, the hot water might aid in the relaxation of fatigued or aching muscles.

3. Applied to your body

Lavender oil is quickly absorbed by the skin when given topically through massage, producing a calming and soothing effect.

You can apply oil directly from the container or with a rollerball. Throughout the day, or as needed, apply to wrists, behind ears, and nape of neck.

4. Taken Orally

Oral administration of lavender essential oil has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for anxiety symptoms, according to research. Silexan (lavender oil in capsules) was used for a minimum of 6 weeks in this study.

In this case, oral dosing usually consists of one-a-day capsules of lavender oil, such as Seremind.

5. Taken via capsules

Capsules are a popular way to consume lavender, and studies have shown that they are useful in lowering anxiety symptoms.

Before using, make sure to read the dosage and cautions on the bottle.

6. Tinctures

Tinctures are concentrated herbal or plant extracts.

Lavender tincture is a concentrated liquid extract created by infusing lavender flowers and buds with alcohol and distilling them.

Consume by placing a few drops under the tongue with the dropper and swallowing.

Final thoughts

Lavender has been shown to help with stress, anxiety and depression. It is also a natural sedative, which can be used in the evening before bed or on lazy weekends when you need some relaxation time. You should use it at least three times per day for maximum relief.

You should experiment with the various methods of using lavender to see what works best for you and your lifestyle.

lavender oil for anxiety and depression

Lavender Oil for Anxiety and Depression

There are many different types of anxiety, and it’s a condition that can be treated in several ways. One way is through the use of lavender for anxiety. Lavender is an all-natural herb with soothing qualities that have been proven to help reduce stress and increase relaxation in adults.

It can also ease symptoms in children who suffer from nightmares or separation anxiety when away from their parents. If you’re looking to try something new for your anxiety, then read on below!

Adding calming lavender essential oil to your daily routine can help reduce anxiety attacks by up to 82%. But not all essential oils are created equal, and you have to know how to use them correctly to get the most out of their benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use lavender oil for anxiety relief!

There are many different methods you can use to enjoy this calming herb like using lavender essential oil, drinking lavender tea or eating lavender infused food. You can even make an aromatherapy pillow that will release soothing smells into the air when heated.

What is lavender oil?

Lavender essential oil is extracted from lavender plants, which are part of the mint family. Distilled lavender oil is typically used in aromatherapy and can be found online or at health food stores.

According to aromatherapy guide Donna Rayburn, using lavender oil topically can help relieve stress-related anxiety, insomnia and depression because its scent promotes feelings of calmness.

It’s important not to ingest lavender essential oil because it can be toxic in large amounts. Some people use lavender essential oil as a sleep aid by placing a few drops on their pillowcase before bedtime. Lavender plants also have medicinal purposes.

How does lavender affect your mood?

Lavender oil has many medicinal uses, such as treating insomnia and headaches. While not widely used for anxiety, lavender essential oil is known to improve mood and promote feelings of relaxation and calmness. Lavender essential oil can be applied topically or taken internally in a capsule, but should never be consumed directly.

It’s also important to note that lavender may interact with some prescription medications and should not be used by those who are pregnant or breastfeeding without consulting your doctor first. Here are some ways you can use lavender for anxiety

How can you use lavender for anxiety?

Lavender is a calming herb with antioxidant and antiseptic properties. Studies have shown that lavender has natural anxiolytic properties, which means it can help reduce anxiety and stress.

Lavender can be consumed as a tea or essential oil. However, you should always check with your doctor before taking any herbs or supplements.

Here’s how you can use lavender for anxiety:

  • Make a Stress-Relieving Tea: Boil one teaspoon of dried lavender flowers in three cups of water for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and steep an additional 10 minutes. Add honey if desired.
  • Apply Lavender Oil: Lavender essential oil works well when massaged onto areas such as temples, wrists, chest area or back of neck; try adding 10 drops of oil to 2 tablespoons of unscented body lotion for extra relaxation benefits.
  • One of the best ways to use it is by diffusing the oil in your home, which will fill it with calming scents and help prevent panic attacks from happening.

What’s the evidence behind lavender?

There are only a few scientific studies on lavender. Though lavender is commonly used as an anxiety treatment, its effectiveness hasn’t been proven in controlled trials. There are also no products made from lavender approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for anxiety or any other health condition.

What should I look out for when buying Lavender oil?

Lavender comes from France, but nowadays you can find varieties all over the world. It’s important to choose one that is high-quality so that you know you’re getting what you paid for and nothing else.

You should also make sure to look at how pure they are; most companies will list their purity on their label or website. Lavender essential oils can be taken internally (in moderation) and applied topically too!

Final thoughts

Lavender is the perfect herb to help with anxiety. Not only does it smell great, but it can also be used in a variety of ways to calm your mind and body down.

Keep in mind that supplements haven’t been tested to see how well they work or if they’re safe. Always talk with your doctor before starting a new supplement or making changes to your diet that could have an effect on your existing medical conditions or medication dosages.

If you do use lavender oil, it’s best to consult with a qualified health professional first.

Woman relaxing to reduce anxiety and stress in her daily life

7 Herbs to Help Reduce Anxiety

In order to find the best herbs to help reduce anxiety will require some time and effort in order to narrow the choice to the best one for YOU.

The answer depends on what causes your anxiety, and what you prefer to deal with the root cause of your anxiety.

Anxiety is not uncommon, affecting millions of people worldwide. The good news is that many herbs have been used successfully as a treatment for anxiety and the most popular ones are often used today.

There are numerous herbs that have been used to treat anxiety conditions for centuries. Some of these herbs can be used as natural remedies for anxiety and depression, and they are also effective in treating panic and phobia as well.
Some of these herbs include:

Lavender for anxiety

Lavender has been used in many different countries as a remedy for headaches. The scent of lavender has a calming effect on many people, although it is also used as an anti-inflammatory agent. Lavender can be used to reduce anxiety and restlessness.

The therapeutic properties of Lavender have been researched and are being investigated by scientists. Some research suggests that lavender may be able to slow down or prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Kava for anxiety

Kava has long been used by Indians to treat anxiety disorders. It is also used as a treatment for epilepsy and panic disorders. One ancient manuscript referring to the medical qualities of Kava mentions the possibility of its use as a treatment for anxiety and depression.

It has been said to alleviate anxiety by virtue of a herb called Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri). It has also been used for urinary problems, stomach aches, dyspepsia, constipation, etc.

Chamomile for anxiety

Chamomile is perhaps one of the world’s best herbs for anxiety. It can be used in its essential extract or tea form. Chamomile is well-known for its calming effects and is used in a number of ways, such as in calming the nervous system.

It has been used as a treatment for depression and is a common ingredient in a number of sleep remedies. The tea can be used for insomnia as well.

Valerian for anxiety

Valerian is a herb that is quite popular with people suffering from anxiety. It can be used to treat a variety of problems, including sleep disorders and chronic fatigue. It is also used to relieve pain, such as those caused by menstrual cramps, and is used to treat anxiety disorders.

In addition, Valerian can be used to treat a wide range of other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and chronic pain, as well as syndromes such as restless leg syndrome. It is also used as a natural alternative to recreational drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc., for treating depression.

Ginseng in anxiety

In China, Chinese people have been using the herb Ginkgo to treat anxiety and stress for many centuries. The ginseng root is believed to have the ability to prevent panic attacks and even to induce them.

As a natural remedy, it can be used as a mood enhancer and in combination with other herbs. It is also known to increase vitality and improve sexual drive, as well as being used as an energy booster. The ginseng root is the most potent herbal remedy for panic and anxiety attacks.


Passionflower, considered by many to be a “cure” for anxiety and depression, is one such herb that has a lot of potential. The Passionflower herb contains a chemical called Dioscorein that has a very strong stimulating effect on the nervous system.

This can result in a feeling of mental calmness and relaxation, as well as an increase in energy. One of the biggest benefits of Dioscorein, however, is that it can actually reverse the negative effects of ageing, making it a very valuable addition to a healthy diet and supplement regimen.


Another anxiety remedy that has recently shown some promise is the introduction of Spirulina to the diet. Spirulina is a tiny plant that grows only in nature in ponds and lakes. It grows mainly in the areas where the water contains high amounts of protein.

Because of this, spirulina can be considered a “supplement” for people trying to boost their mental health and reduce their anxiety levels. This supplement comes in two different forms: one that is taken orally, and one that is applied topically to the skin.

Final thoughts

There are other herbs that can be used as a remedy for your anxiety. However, they vary in effectiveness and potential for causing side effects and reactions.

While they all have different ways of dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, they all work in a similar manner. By increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain, they help to calm those who suffer from depression or severe anxiety symptoms. While these herbs don’t work immediately, over time, they do slowly but surely alleviate those symptoms.

Therefore, you should only try these if you are sure of what is the best herb for anxiety that suits your symptoms and your needs. Be aware of possible side effects, which include stomach cramps, dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, and even sleep problems.

Remember to always sample the herbs in their smallest dose and if in doubt seek advice from a doctor or nutritionist.

Fresh thyme on a window sill

A Short Guide For Thymes

Do you love gardening? Gardening is a beautiful symphony for your mind and an economic value. Thyme plant is growing great in pots. so you can actually put them by your back door. So you can just go outside whatever and just pick a few bits off and put in your cooking. it’s great with all meat or fish and vegetarian dishes.

  • Scientific name: Thymus vulgaris
  • Growing Areas: Mediterranean
  • Sunlight condition: Full sun

There are two types of thyme

Common Thyme
Lemon Thyme

Right one is lemon thyme. It is a really useful herb and it getting a variety of cooking. it’s very similar to the common Thymes Vulgaris which is what I would suggest is probably best thyme for cooking but come in a great range of sizes and colour of flowers you can get pink-flowered white-flowered really deep mow flowers.

Planting and Harvesting

You can buy them as young plants from garden centres. You can also actually plant them in early spring. The common Thyme particularly just plant them in small pots inside in the house and once they’ve germinated you can then split them up and grow them on in into larger pots through the summer or you can plant them straight out in the ground. Very easy to keep sometimes you do find it gets a little bit woody at the base but you’ll find by cutting it the tops and using any cooking you’ll actually create more branching and you’ll keep it for longer. Once it gets very woody it’s sometimes best just to plant some more dig it out and plants and fresh Thyme.

it’s a much bushier plant you’ve got much more leaf to go out and pick and it will grow quickly when you’re actually harvesting it. You just want to take off stems, just little pieces of stem the idea of this is you’ll actually create more stems growing from the base or lower down. To create a bushier plant and therefore more to pick and then when you get them into the kitchen you take the stem and you literally just pull the leaves off and then you can either crush the leaves some more to drop into your cooking. So that’s how you use Thymes.

You can use Thymes for cook many foods

  • Soups
  • Vegetables
  • Seafood
  • Chicken
  • Salads

Winter Juniper berries

Special Details About Juniper Berries

Female seeds produced by various junipers introduce juniper berries. These are green when young and purple-black when ripe. Many juniper berries are from four to twelve millimetre in size. Some species are larger it(20mm-28mm). The outer scale of juniper berries merged to a covering around the seed.

Those took about 18 months to ripe. Juniper berries are grown in the UK, Europe and similar northern hemisphere countries. It thrives on chalk lowland, moorland, in rocky areas and Western America. Most time it’s found as a low-growing, spreading shrub or small tree.


1 Juniperus communis(Common Juniper)

  • Major Growing Areas: North America, Europe, northern Asia, Japan
  • Sunlight conditions: Full Sun
  • Height: 0.3 – 0.6 meters

This is the most famous variety. Common juniper has unique needle-like leaves, rather than scales. Grows in alkaline and acidic soils well. Different regional called many names.

2 Juniperus drupacea

  • Major Growing Areas: Mediterranean region, Syria, Lebanon
  • Sunlight conditions: Full Sun
  • Height: 10 – 25  meters

Green when young dark purple-brown when ripe. largest seeds among all junipers. (20 to27 mm ) seeds fused three and the clustered male cones.

3 Juniperus deppeana(Alligator Juniper)

  • Major Growing Areas: Central and Northern Mexico, Southwestern United Status
  • Sunlight conditions: Full Sun
  • Height: 6 – 18  meters

Can be a shrub or tree. It depend on conditions of the growing area. Grows well with dry, rocky conditions.


  • Used in impart a sharp, clear flavour to wild birds meets pork and cabbage.
  • Used to flavour a liquor called jin.
  • To produce a sweeter spice
  • Use for medical purposes.

spices and herbs with dishes

10 Good Reasons To Add Spices And Herbs With Your Dishes

By using spices and herbs with our dishes, we can give great flavors and colors and dishes. Not only flavor and color, but they also have many medicinal values too. Spices and herbs basically rich in nutrition and antioxidants. Because of all these reasons, by using spices and herbs with our dishes, we can get more benefits. We leave 10 good reasons to include them in our dishes.

The herbs, spices, and other condiments are part of those details that can change a dish or give a small, unique quality and a more enjoyable and complete finish. So that we do not waste these ingredients, we leave you 10 good reasons to add them to the dishes.

1. They improve the qualities of the dish

The main advantage of using aromatic herbs, spices, or other condiments in our dishes, they improve the various qualities of our recipes. Mainly they allow us to add flavor, color, and aroma to the preparations, giving it a difference and a better appearance.

There are dishes in which we can’t stop using certain condiments or herbs so that we really get the traditional recipe that we know. Therefore, an excellent reason to use herbs and spices in our kitchen is to achieve the flavor, aroma, and color that we desire in our preparations.

2. Add vitamins to recipes

These small ingredients, even used in minute proportions, improve the flavor and color of the dishes, and add good nutrients. Many herbs and spices can obtain valuable vitamins for the body.

For example,

  • From parsley, we can obtain vitamin C 
  • From coriander and basil or paprika we can gain considerable amounts of vitamin A and carotenes

The last thing just mentioned of the vitamin that protects the health of the skin and eyes.

3. They are a source of antioxidants

Oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, and cloves had classified as aromatic plants and spices with the highest antioxidant power. They also concentrate on antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin A, phenolic compounds that neutralize the effect of free radicals of oxygen in our body.

spices and herbs for cooking

On the other hand, oregano and rosemary have shown to favor food preservation due to their high antioxidants concentration. So that not only does their intake benefit to our body. We can also extend the shelf life of our dishes or other foods using herbs and spices as ingredients.

4. They offer important minerals

As well as being a source of vitamins and antioxidants, most herbs and spices concentrate important minerals to our body. They help with the health of the organism, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, or iron.

In this way, we can obtain, 

  • With thyme, iron
  • With laurel, calcium
  • With tarragon, potassium
  • With pepper, calcium, and potassium 

at the same time. 

So herbs and spices also help prevent nutritional deficiencies in the body.

spices with fruits have more nutritional values

5. Improve the metabolic response of meals

According to research, herbs and spices in dishes reduce insulin response and triglyceride elevation after a high-fat meal. Cinnamon is also known to promote blood glucose control. So it can be very helpful in preventing and treating diabetes, as some studies have shown.

Therefore, herbs and spices can make preparations healthier by adding nutrients and antioxidants and improving the metabolic response after consumption in the body.

6. Help burn more calories

Some spices have a thermogenic effect; that is, they can stimulate the increase in body temperature. It helps when a higher caloric expense of our body to maintain a stable temperature. Among the spices that possess this quality, we find pepper.

7. They contribute to reducing the consumption of salt

For people with high blood pressure, kidney or cardiovascular problems, reducing salt or sodium consumption is a priority. Also, the addition of spices, herbs, and condiments can help this task by highlighting the dishes’ flavor without having to resort to table salt.

Most herbs and spices do not concentrate on sodium or additives. But instead are a source of potassium, magnesium, and other minerals that undo the effect of sodium on the body.

8. They hardly add calories to dishes

As they are ingredients concentrated in nutrients and at the same time, they have a powerful flavor and aroma. They are using in small proportions, which is why they hardly add calories to dishes. Although they much increase the presence of proper nutrients in them.

If you are worried about the line and body weight, herbs and spices are not a thing that stops. But can even help you achieve healthy and nutritious dishes, without too many calories.

9. Help lose weight

They add nutrients without almost providing calories, but they can also be a great resource in the kitchen. If we are looking to lose weight, herbs, and spices favor the feeling of satiety.

herbs for bathing

By completely satisfying ourselves earlier, we can eat less and better control our intake, which definitely helps our process of losing weight. Also, adding herbs and spices to healthy dishes makes them more palatable and favors their consumption, which can help our diet plan to lose weight.

10. They are very versatile and varied

A last and no less important reason to use herbs and spices in our dishes is that they are versatile, and we can use them in all preparations. In addition, if we do not feel like some herb, such as coriander that does not have many followers, we can quickly find another in its replacement that offers flavor, nutrients, and useful properties.

We can use herbs and spices in hot and cold dishes, in sweet or savory preparations, in stews, stir-fries, sauces, dressings, desserts, and many more recipes. There are no excuses not to take advantage of these ingredients in your dishes; on the contrary, we leave 10 good reasons to add herbs and spices to your kitchen.

eucalyptus can be used when showering

What Are The Benefits Of Having Eucalyptus In The Shower?

Putting eucalyptus leaves in the shower seems to have therapeutic effects against stress, pain, and some respiratory symptoms. By using eucalyptus properly, you can get more advantages to your body and mind. I did research about eucalyptus, and this is about the results of that.

Having eucalyptus in the shower not only serves to bring a pleasant aroma to space, but also to improve various health conditions. This plant is known in popular literature for its medicinal properties, ranging from cold remedies to aromatherapy to reduce stress.

There are several ways to take advantage of its attributes and incorporate them into the daily routine. For example, take it as an infusion, spray or hang some branches in the shower, etc. In the latter, the steam helps the oils contained in the eucalyptus to be activated and released into the environment.

eucalyptus on bathroom

Eucalyptus benefits in the shower

Although the most common use of eucalyptus is through vapors, another simple way to take advantage of its properties is to locate the branches inside the shower, either hanging from the tap or inside a container. For this, fresh or dried leaves can be used. Next, let’s discuss what the benefits of this practice are.

  • It has a relaxing effect

The smell of eucalyptus appears to help reduce tension in some people. In fact, an Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine study indicates that eucalyptol, a substance present in this plant, could contribute to decreasing anxiety. So if you need to relax, having eucalyptus in the shower would be a good idea.

  • Helps reduce cold symptoms

For years, eucalyptus has been used to lessen flu symptoms and improve airway problems. According to research published in the “Cough Journal,” eucalyptol, also known as cineole, would be responsible for these properties.

In particular, its volatile compounds decrease congestion and irritation in patients with respiratory problems. In addition, it calms the cough in bronchitis, in just four days of use. However, it is only an adjuvant, not a first-line treatment.

  • Helps to relieve sinusitis

Sinusitis is a prevalent condition caused by inflammation of the sinuses due to the presence of bacteria. There are several ways to treat it, from over-the-counter pain relievers to surgical procedures.

However, if the symptoms do not represent a greater discomfort, the benefits of eucalyptus can be used. According to a publication of the “Otorhinolaryngologica Italica Act,” its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and decongestant properties are useful against this condition’s symptoms.

  • Promotes skin health

Sweat, makeup, and environmental pollution can cause the skin to lose its hydration and natural shine. Steam helps improve these conditions, as it dilates the pores and removes dead cells.

As regards eucalyptus, a study by the International Journal of Cosmetic Science suggests that this plant increases the production of ceramides, essential lipids to maintain skin health in optimal conditions.

  • Helps mitigate pain

In addition to its decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties, eucalyptus appears to have benefits for pain relief. This is indicated by a clinical trial of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, in which the plant was useful for pain patients undergoing a knee replacement operation.

eucalyptus as a air freshner on bed

Although supporting evidence is lacking, the warm, humid environment created by having eucalyptus in the shower is said to be ideal for stretching as needed after exercise routines.

What are the side effects of using eucalyptus in the shower?

Although using eucalyptus in the shower does not have any adverse health effects, it is essential to keep it away from water. This is because it can be irritating to skin and eyes. If you notice any skin irritation, it is best to stop using it and check if you are allergic to the components of this plant.

How can we use eucalyptus in addition to the shower?

In addition to hanging branches in the shower, there are other ways to use eucalyptus to get the most out of its properties. A spray containing water, some leaves, and a few drops of oil from this plant will be useful for the environment.

eucalyptus as a perfume

You can also inhale it in the form of essential oil, in a diffuser, or apply it to the skin. For this last option, don’t forget to use a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, or a non-chemical cream to dissolve it, as it can be irritating if used on its own.

Now that you know all this, do not hesitate to buy some branches and enjoy the benefits it offers. Of course, remember that it is not a first-line treatment in case of illness and does not replace medical recommendations.

Disclaimer: You should always seek medical advice before trying any products in you bath or directly on your skin